559-452-0881 info@sercalifornia.org

SER’s Newsletter

Spotlight on SER’s Internal Monitoring Unit

In every organization, there are teams whose critical work goes largely unnoticed by the public eye, yet their contribution is vital to the overall success and integrity of the operations. At SER, one such indispensable team is our Internal Monitoring Unit. Comprised...

From Learning to Earning: Seniors’ Pathway to Employment with SCSEP

Watch video to discover how SER’s Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is transforming lives and empowering seniors over 55 living below the federal poverty line to re-enter the workforce…

Empowering Lives Through Education: The Heart of SER’s HEP Program

Education is a powerful tool that opens doors to new opportunities and brighter futures. At SER, we understand this, and it's why our High School Equivalency Program (HEP) stands at the forefront of our mission to empower individuals through learning. The Essence of...